Study room

It's that time of the year and school is now in full swing! Whether it’s little ones gearing up for elementary school, teens navigating high school, or university students attending hybrid classes, having a proper home study space is a necessity for student success. Thankfully, creating an effective learning environment is simple and will help our children strive to become the best they can be. Read on to discover our top tips for creating the perfect home study room!


Know Your Space, Find Your Place

The first step on the not-so-long journey of creating a perfect study room is, of course, finding the right spot. Not all homes are brimming with versatile flex spaces or unoccupied home offices, however, effective work stations can be assembled in almost any room in your home. Be it a bedroom, living room, kitchen area or anything in between. When it comes down to it, the only true requirement is a reasonable amount of space. Whether or not you have the luxury of choice, the most important element to facilitate focus and motivation is simply committing to a space. So take a look around, find a suitable place, and make sure everyone at home knows it’s meant for work!

Table set and mirror in bedroom


Now That's The Right Idea!
Table set and chair

It’s no surprise that good ideas come with a lightbulb above the head, because natural light is a critical factor for boosting concentration and even critical thinking. In fact, studies show that ample amounts of natural light can lower eyestrain by 51%, headaches by 63%, and drowsiness by 56%. All of which are common side effects when coping with an inadequate workspace. Along with numerous benefits to ositive mental health, natural light creates an airy sense of space and will breathe life into areas dedicated for study. For children especially, getting them to sit in one place is half the battle, and creating an engaging space that inherently encourages concentration is a surefire remedy.


Functionality Is Simplicity

When creating a home study on a budget or otherwise, simplicity is consistently underrated. There’s no need for complicated storage solutions or overtly “functional” furniture, as they typically muddle work flow and to an extent, organization. Moreover, kids don’t really need fancy desks or a plethora of storage spaces. Instead, the most effective pieces are consistently the ones that get the job done without unnecessary bells and whistles. Especially if your designated study space will be amalgamated into a bedroom, living room, or even a kitchen area. Better still, the naturally lower price point will be less of a strain on your wallet, and your head. Check out these easily-accessible options to get a general understanding and spark some inspiration!

Table and clothe
Bedroom table set


Colour Me Creative

Without delving too deep into the stormy waters of Colour Psychology, it’s certain that the tone and temperature of colour have profound impacts on the human mind. And with regards to children, it’s important to create spaces that are inviting, engaging, and inspiring. If you’re working with a dedicated study room, opt for more vibrant shades of blue, yellow, red, and green. Whether subtle or somewhat intense, using a splash of colour will undoubtedly give any space a playful feeling while still encouraging focus and contemplation. Ultimately, the strategy behind olour usage is to simply create spaces children want to be in. Positive connotations promote an active mind, and go a long way in helping children manage the stressful burden of working at home.

Child playing with a toy on his desk in bedroom

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8:30AM - 5:00PM
Prices, incentives and specifications are subject to change without notice. E. & O.E. Actual useable square footage may vary from the stated floor area, as they may include OTB areas. All renderings are artist concept only and colours may vary from renderings shown.© 2024 DECO Homes is a registered trademark of DECO Homes Building Inc. All rights reserved.  Privacy Policy.